Day Trip on SAXDOR 200


Hosted byMacy Sanders

Joined in2024
Strict Cancellation Policy
Daily Experiences
Experience Type
Daily Tour
Max Capacity
5 Guest
Apx. Message Reply Time:7 hours
Booking Model

This experience runs on predefined time slots.


The Saxdor 200 is a compact yet powerful boat, designed for fun, speed, and effortless handling on the water.

Designed for both performance and relaxation, the Saxdor 200 GTC provides exceptional comfort with its sleek and functional design. Its powerful engine ensures thrilling speed and agility, while its stable construction guarantees a smooth and controlled ride. Whether you’re after an exhilarating experience or a leisurely cruise, this versatile boat is the ideal companion for any experience.

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If the APA add-on is selected below, it will include the estimated fuel costs. However, if you choose to plan your itinerary with us, this amount will be replaced with the itinerary price.

Skipper optional
per person
Itineraries (Alternatives)

Pick the route for your daily activity which may also differ your embarkment and disembarking location.

Inclusive in the price
You can determine your itinerary later with your skipper and charter provider, and fuel costs and other expenses may vary accordingly.
Experience Type: Daily Tour

You don’t get charged before your booking request is accepted.

Price Match Guarantee. We match any competitors rental price for this boat as long as its listed on our platform with guarantied free cancellation.
ID: 20349